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Snorkeling in the Ocean

Margaux Monfared

Underwater Explorer I Coral Biologist I Science Communicator 
Welcome Ocean Warriors​!


My passion for coral reefs has taken me on a journey across the tropics allowing me to refine my data collection and fieldwork skills while working in diverse reef environments. During my travels I have witnessed the heart-breaking mass mortality of these intricate ecosystems, observing phase shifts to algal dominant reefs resulting in reduced complexity, diversity and resilience of what once were bustling and vibrant underwater cities. I am dedicated to increasing coral reef resilience to climate change through collaborative work, research, outreach and media. Join me on my quest to uncover the mysteries and beauty of our oceans, the problems they face and the ocean tribe at the forefront of the battle to save life as we know it. 

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Sea Turtle

“Our role as scientists does not end with published research. I believe science communication is crucial to instilling a passion in people so that they too fall in love with the ocean and want to protect it. I hope to use my voice and photography to share with you the undeniable beauty of the world's oceans as well as the problems they face through my eyes and my fellow water people that I encounter along the way. By sharing my own experiences, perspectives and stories, I hope to inspire future generations to strive towards a world with healthy oceans.”


Margaux Monfared

Scuba Diver and Corals


Pebble Beach
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